FFXIV Leveling Guide
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FFXIV Leveling Guide - Domination


FFXIV Lancer
The strategy of the lancer is to outrange and fluster opponents with their long, two-handed polearms, peppering them with a barrage of thrusting attacks. They are trained with a number of weapons, giving a diversity to their attack that makes them extremely versatile combatants.

In former times, the longspears saw the most widespread use, due in great part to the influence of the proud lancer legions of Ala Mhigo. Since then, the guild has greatly expanded its armouries to include a variety of weaponry, such as the throwing javelin.

Lancer is one of many Classes in Eorzea under Disciples of War. The Lancer class one of the best damage-dealing (DD) jobs in Final Fantasy XIV, has good soloing strength, and has a few powerful group and self-buffs. It also has a few valuable debuffs, making it a solid DD class which brings more to the table than raw damage. The Lancer is great for any player who likes to deal damage, play in groups, or even play solo. It is a strong class and has valuable skills that can transfer over to other jobs as well.
By utilizing the long reach of their polearms, lancers are able to deal devastating damage from a position of relative safety.

The battle tactics of the lancers afford them numerous advantages, such as avoiding the ire of enemies and enhancing the attacks of companions.


Lancers calculate attack damage based on Piety (PIE) and Strength (STR).


The list of minimum level for obtaining abilities, abilities name, abilities type, required TP or MP. Also including Traits and Combos for Lancer.


Level              Name Subtype TP MP Requires Combo 
1 True Thrust.png True Thrust Damage 1000
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
2 Vorpal Thrust.png Vorpal Thrust Damage 1500
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
4 Feint.png Feint Damage 500
Discipline of War
6 Blood for Blood.png Blood for Blood Enhancing

10 Heavy Thrust.png Heavy Thrust Damage 1500
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
14 Invigorate.png Invigorate Enhancing

Discipline of War
18 Impulse Drive.png Impulse Drive Damage 1500
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
22 Life Surge.png Life Surge Damage 250
26 Keen Flurry.png Keen Flurry Enhancing

30 Leg Sweep.png Leg Sweep Damage 1000
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
34 Power Surge.png Power Surge Enhancing

38 Full Thrust.png Full Thrust Damage 250
42 Dread Spike.png Dread Spike Enhancing

46 Doom Spike.png Doom Spike Damage 3000
Lancer Comboicon.png
50 Chaos Thrust.png Chaos Thrust Damage 3000
Lancer Comboicon.png


Level              Name 
8 Enhanced Physical Attack Power.png Enhanced Physical Attack Power
12 Store TP.png Store TP
16 Swift Blood for Blood.png Swift Blood for Blood
20 Enhanced Physical Attack Power II.png Enhanced Physical Attack Power II
24 Enhanced Physical Crit Accuracy.png Enhanced Physical Crit Accuracy
28 Enhanced Invigorate.png Enhanced Invigorate
32 Enhanced Life Surge.png Enhanced Life Surge
36 Enhanced Keen Flurry.png Enhanced Keen Flurry
40 Enhanced Physical Attack Power III.png Enhanced Physical Attack Power III
44 Enhanced Power Surge.png Enhanced Power Surge
48 Enhanced Blood for Blood.png Enhanced Blood for Blood

Actions & Traits Source:


The following is a table of executable combos for a Lancer. Abilities must be executed in the correct positions in order to activate a combo.

True Thrust (Front) Leg Sweep
Chance to inflict Stun.
Doom Spike
Increased accuracy.
Heavy Thrust
Increased Stun duration.

Vorpal Thrust (Behind) Impulse Drive (Side)
Increased critical rate.
Chaos Thrust
Increased critical rate.


Lancer's Guild
"The Wailing Barracks are home to the Wood Wailers, the lancers of Gridania who keep the peace within the city and the greater peace without. It is to this enormous wooden structure that the townspeople come with matters whose resolution requires a polearm's edge, and here that the nation keeps its goals, the occupants of which have committed crimes that have wronged the forest or forestborn. It is also home to the Lancers' Guild, which is ever on the lookout for able bodies to aid in its grand endeavors."

Located in Gridania. Lancers' Guild can be found in the Wailing Barracks, in the northeastern part of the city.

Coordinates (7, 2)