Classes in
FFXIV World or in Eorza, are divided to four disciplines, They Are :
Each disciples has their own unique
Archer |
Archers are ranged-attackers. They possess a situational awareness in combat which allows them to assault enemies from great range while simultaneously providing support to their companions. |
Gladiator |
Gladiators are melee-ranged attackers. Stab and slash are their great arsenal to crush their enemies. |
Marauder |
While stationary, marauders are able to generate a solid base from which they are able to carry out devastating attacks. |
Pugilist |
Masters of offensive and defensive stances, pugilists continuously adapt their fighting style to best suit their companions as well as their enemies. |
Lancer |
By utilizing the long reach of their polearms, lancers are able to deal devastating damage from a position of relative safety. |
Conjurer |
Conjurers are trained to coax metaphysical forces forth from the elements which comprise all of creation, allowing them to weave powerful spells. |
Thaumaturge |
Thaumaturges are unparalleled in their powers of destruction, eclipsing even the Disciple of War. |
Alchemist |
Alchemists ensure their livelihood through the transmogrification of mundane materials into wondrous wares--from curative concoctions to potent potables. |
Armorer |
Armorers treat and work the malleable metals of Eorzea into all forms of armor. By binding together sheet, stud, and link, they are able to produce garb of plate and chain that has saved the lives of countless adventurers. |
Blacksmith |
Blacksmithing techniques are capable of weakening enemies constructed of metal, as well as discovering loot that would otherwise be overlooked by the untrained eye. |
Carpenter |
The foremost workers of wood, carpenters possess expert knowledge of the hardness, pliability, weight, and value of all types of timber. Their creed is to bring these natural traits to bear in the form of various wares. |
Culinarian |
Whetting appetites from dawn until dusk with prowess of pot and pan, culinarians provide more than simple sustenance. |
Goldsmith |
Goldsmithing is the practice of working precious metals and stones into a multitude of accessories. It also makes use of golds, silvers, rubies, sapphires, and a myriad of other materials to decorate weapons, armor, and tools. |
Leatherworker |
Contrary to popular belief, a tanner's skills are not limited to the mere boiling and dying of pelts and skins, but also encompass those of an armourer and clothier, for a true leatherworker, they will never entrust other hand. |
Weaver |
From fiber to thread, thread to cloth, cloth to dress, and path of a tailor literally weaves its way from basic beginnings to extravagant ends. |
Botanist |
The botanist's profession encompasses the procurement of resources from all forms of plant life. |
Fisher |
Fishers are harvesters of the realm's marine and freshwater animal resources. The goods they obtain from their catch place them in direct dealings with both culinarians and goldsmiths. |
Miner |
To fully master the advanced techniques developed by the great mining nation of Ul'dah, miners must undertake a wide range of tasks, from the meticulous prospecting of the most minute deposits to large-scale civil engineering. |
Well, that's the Classes List in FFXIV which divided by four Disciples. Hope it can help you.