FFXIV Leveling Guide
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FFXIV Leveling Guide - Domination


FFXIV Gladiator
Gladiators specialize in the handling of all manner of one-handed blades, from daggers to longswords, be they single- or double-edged, straight or curved. A defining characteristic of this guild is its emphasis on diverse combat tactics, training its members to bring their martial skills to bare in any situation.

As such, they are practitioners who marry sword with shield, seeking to defend their fellow companions. Others opt for an empty off hand, choosing instead to focus entirely on their sword arm. The gladiator's proficiency with blades also extends to those hurled at range, such as throwing knives.

Gladiator is one of many Classes in Eorzea under Disciples of War. Gladiator is one of the strongest Classes in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). Gladiator uses 1-Hand Sword to attack its enemies and uses Shield to defend itself. Gladiator is the only class in Disciples of War that can use a Shield. This class has a lot of abilities which help reduce the amount of damage it takes, and it can also dish out some magic damage via its weaponskills. It has the highest native HP in the game as well.
With their versatile slashing and stabbing attacks, gladiators are adept at dispatching a wide range of opponents.

When armed with sword and shield, they are unmatched in their ability to defend others, as their diverse talents enable them to focus the enemy's wrath upon themselves.


Gladiators calculate attack damage based on Mind (MND) and Strength (STR).


The list of minimum level for obtaining abilities, abilities name, abilities type, required TP or MP. Also including Traits and Combos for Gladiator.


Level              Name Subtype TP MP Requires Combo 
1 Fast Blade.png Fast Blade Damage 1000
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
2 Rampart.png Rampart Enhancing

4 Phalanx.png Phalanx Damage 250
6 Aegis Boon.png Aegis Boon Enhancing

10 Savage Blade.png Savage Blade Damage 1000
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
14 Flash.png Flash Enhancing

18 Shield Bash.png Shield Bash Damage 250

22 Sentinel.png Sentinel Enhancing

26 Flat Blade.png Flat Blade Damage 1500
Discipline of War Comboicon.png
30 Riot Blade.png Riot Blade Damage 2000
Gladiator Comboicon.png
34 Outmaneuver.png Outmaneuver Enhancing

38 War Drum.png War Drum Damage 500
42 Tempered Will.png Tempered Will Enhancing

46 Rage of Halone.png Rage of Halone Damage 1500
Gladiator Comboicon.png
50 Goring Blade.png Goring Blade Damage 3000
Gladiator Comboicon.png


Level              Name 
8 Enhanced Physical Defense.png Enhanced Physical Defense
12 Enhanced Rampart.png Enhanced Rampart
16 Enhanced Block Rate.png Enhanced Block Rate
20 Swift Aegis Boon.png Swift Aegis Boon
24 Enhanced Physical Defense II.png Enhanced Physical Defense II
28 Enhanced Flash.png Enhanced Flash
32 Enhanced Physical Crit Resilience.png Enhanced Physical Crit Resilience
36 Enhanced Sentinel.png Enhanced Sentinel
40 Enhanced Physical Defense III.png Enhanced Physical Defense III
44 Enhanced Outmaneuver.png Enhanced Outmaneuver
48 Enhanced Flash II.png Enhanced Flash II

Actions & Traits Source:


The following is a table of executable combos for a Gladiator. Abilities must be executed in the correct positions in order to activate a combo.

Fast Blade (Front) Savage Blade
Increased Damage
Goring Blade
Increased bleed damage
Flat Blade
Increased enmity

Riot Blade (Behind) Rage of Halone
Increased accuracy


Gladiator's Guild
"The bloodsands of the Coliseum are an ages-old ground of battle which, since their inception, have served to entertain and enfrenzy the populace of Ul'dah. Though the games are gladiatorial in nature, they are by no means limited to gladiators. Tourneys are as varied as the days, and stain the sands with the blood of all indiscriminately—warrior and sorcerer, man and beast. Still, the proud tradition of the sword remains foremost among others, and as such the Coliseum is also home to the Gladiators' Guild."

Located in Uldah. Gladiator's Guild can be found in The Coliseum, in the central area of the Merchant Strip (Level 1).

Coordinates (5, 5)